Student Organizations
Alpha Eta Rho
Alpha Eta Rho is an international aviation co-ed fraternity focused on providing professional development and lifelong brotherhood to its members. Alpha Eta Rho connects current aviation students with leaders in the global aviation industry, and acts as a platform for future leaders to grow.
The members of AHP participate in a variety of community service and airport community events. Alpha Eta Rho is responsible for the annual spring aviation banquet and career fair at SIU. Additionally, our chapter further contributes to the airport environment by providing a roadside cleanup of Airport Road each semester as well as cleaning SIU’s Boeing 737 and Gulfstream aircraft. We also attend the annual National Alpha Eta Rho Conference.
Membership is open to all students with an interest in aviation. Meetings are held every Sunday (excluding holiday weekends) at 5:30 pm in the Student Center, usually the Mississippi Room.
For more information, contact us!
President - Brody Atteberry,
Vice-President - Parker Huse,
Faculty Advisor - Professor Matthew Harrison,
SIU Aviation Ambassadors
The SIU Aviation Ambassadors is a small organization of students whose passion is not only to educate others about SIU’s Aviation programs, but also to spread their enthusiasm for aviation to people of all ages and interests. Our purpose is to accurately portray the SIU School of Aviation to prospective students through a relatable student perspective.
Our activities include representing SIU at regional airshows, local school classrooms, and college fairs. The group also provides tours of the SIU Aviation facilities to visiting groups and individuals. We usually do anywhere from three to seven tours of our facilities per week!
Membership is open to all SIU Aviation students. Contact us for more information!
President - Luca Giaveri,
Vice-President - Keith Glass,
Faculty Advisor - Jeffrey Hayes, jflyer@siu.eduAviation Management Society
The Aviation Management Society (AMS) is a student organization committed to providing networking opportunities, advancing industry knowledge, and shaping future aviation professionals. We offer our members the opportunity to explore different aspects of the aviation industry and network with current professionals through real-life experience and a variety of field trips. Bi-weekly meetings allow members a chance to explore, debate, and discuss today's aviation trends, further immersing students within their profession. The Aviation Management Society's goal is to distinguish our members within the aviation industry and guide them towards excellence in their career.
Some of our activities include the annual Fall Aviation Career Fair and Fall Aviation Banquet, which our members coordinate. Dozens of companies are invited to attend our Career Fair, where our Aviation students have the opportunity to network and discover job and internship opportunities. The Banquet features a catered dinner, an industry leader as a keynote speaker, raffles, and the presentation of the fall School of Aviation scholarships. Additionally, the group seeks out field trip opportunities to provide members with real-world insight into the industry. Previous field trips have included tours of the Delta Air Lines operations in Atlanta, FedEx in Memphis and most recently UPS Global Aviation Headquarters in Louisville, KY.
Membership is open to all SIU students. Meetings are held every other Wednesday at 5 pm in the Transportation Education Center, Room 180.
For more information, contact us!
President - Grace Gray,
Vice-President - Max Grunsfeld,
Merchandise Coordinator - Noah Nekic,
Career Fair Coordinators - Thomas Herbst and Carter Oliver
Banquet Coordinators - Ryan Calkins, Caleb Naumowicz and Marek Gasiorowski
Faculty Advisor - Professor Mike Robertson, mrobertson@siu.eduFlying Salukis Flight Team
The SIU Flying Salukis Flight Team has been a hallmark of academic excellence in the Aviation Flight program for over 30 years. Composed of select students from the Aviation Flight program, the Flying Salukis train for competition on the regional and national levels. Regional competition is held during the fall semester, while the national competition is held during the spring.
Competition ground events include Aircraft Recognition, Preflight, the Simulator event, the Simulated Comprehensive Aircraft Navigation event, and the Manual Flight Computer event. Flying events include Short Field Landings and Power-Off Landings, Message Drop, and the Navigation Event.
Tryouts for the Flying Salukis Flight Team are open to all Aviation Flight students and are held at the beginning of every fall semester. Watch for announcements to be posted at the airport.
For more information, contact us!
Head Coach - Mr. Nate Lincoln,
Assistant Coach - Mr. Mike LeFevre,
Assistant Coach - Mr. Matthew Santos,
Assistant Coach - Mr. Gavin Voris,
National Gay Pilots Association
The National Gay Pilots Association is the largest organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and straight pilots, aviation professionals, and enthusiasts from around the world. The mission of the group is to uplift the worldwide LGBTQ+ aviation community and its allies. Our members include recreational and commercial pilots, flight instructors, air traffic controllers, mechanics, airport managers, and other aviation professionals and enthusiasts from the United States and abroad.
The Southern Illinois University Chapter hosts social events and provides volunteer opportunities and career development assistance. Every year, we attend the NGPA Industry Expo Conference, allowing our members to network and create lasting career connections. We also volunteer at local LGBTQ+ organizations and connect with other chapters of NGPA.
Membership is open to all SIU students. Meetings are held biweekly on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm in the Transportation Education Center Conference Room 126A.
For more information, contact us!
President - Sid Hanson,
Vice-President - Sam Bettis,
Faculty Advisor - Ken Wilkins, kwilkins@siu.eduOrganization of Black Aerospace Professionals
The Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of minorities in all aviation and aerospace careers. OBAP members encourage diversity in the industry by supporting aspiring aviation professionals through mentoring, scholarships, training and youth-focused education programs through Project Aerospace. The Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP SIU) is dedicated to providing a community of support for aviation students from similar backgrounds by promoting aviation education, leadership, and networking opportunities.
Our activities include student and youth outreach, volunteer activities, and educational field trips. We represent Southern Illinois University at the annual OBAP Conference and career fair. We also head up the planning for the annual Aviation Diversity Luncheon held at SIU every spring.
Membership is open to all current SIU students. Meetings are held bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the Transportation Education Center, Conference Room 126A.
For more information, contact us!
President - Eric Thomas,
Vice-President - Teja Taylor,
OBAP SIU Email Address -
Faculty Advisor - Professor Matthew Romero,
The Rotor and Wing Association of America
The Rotor and Wing Association/AVT Ambassadors exists to provide public service to the School of Aviation and the general aviation community.
The group’s activities are scheduled on demand and range in variety. Events that we assist with include airshows, local fly-ins, Boy Scout Merit Badge events, highway cleanups, regional aviation facility tours, and general service activities for the School of Aviation.
The group meets as events are scheduled.
For more information, contact us!
Student Lead -
Faculty Advisor - Professor Matthew Harrison, harrison@siu.eduSaluki Flight
Women in Aviation
The Women in Aviation International (SIUC Saluki Aviators Chapter) is a recognized student chapter of Women in Aviation International (WAI), dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests.
Some of our activities include hosting the annual Girls in Aviation Day event for local girls, attending the annual WAI conference, and providing support for annual events at SIU like the United Airlines Career Day and the Expanding Your Horizons conference.
Membership is open to any SIU student, employee, or family member who wishes to support women who are involved in or interested in the field of aviation. Meetings are held every other Monday at 6:00 pm in the SIUC Student Center. Meeting details are announced on Instagram @siusalukiaviators.
For more information, contact us!
President - Fawne Maguire,
Vice-President - Megan Grey,
Social Media - Sam Bettis,
Faculty Advisor - Amy Rutledge,
American Association of Airport Executives Southern Illinois University (AAAE SIU) Student Chapter
The American Association of Airport Executives Southern Illinois University (AAAE SIU) Student Chapter is a recognized student chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE). The chapter exists to promote professionalism in airport administration and to provide its members with networking opportunities and career information.
Some of our activities include hosting virtual and in-person guest speakers, field trips to airports, volunteering at various airport events, participating in monthly AAAE National Student Member Meetings, and attending the annual AAAE National Conference & Exposition.
Membership is open to all SIU undergraduate and graduate students who are eligible for any one of the classes of membership offered by the AAAE national organization. Meetings are held every other Thursday at 5:30 pm in Room 182 in the Transportation Education Center (TEC) at the Southern Illinois Airport.
For more information, contact us!
President - Sarah Michalak,
Vice-President - Hubert Dybinski,
Secretary - Brooke Thomas,
Treasurer - Eric Thomas,
Faculty Advisor - Professor Irene Miller,,
Professor Matt Romero,
Detail Dawgs
The Detail Dawgs are a maintenance competition team. We represent SIU Aviation at the annual Aerospace Maintenance Competition. During this three-day international competition, teams of five maintenance technicians compete in various skills tests. The participants represent all areas of aerospace and include professional maintainers, military maintainers, and students currently enrolled in a maintenance training program.
As of 2022, the SIU Detail Dawgs have competed in this event for four straight years. Each year we have improved our overall scores. The last time our team competed we won one event and placed in the top three in three other events.
Membership is open to all aviation students enrolled in Aviation Technology courses. Students interested in competing with the team should contact us.
President - Patrick Welch,
Vice President - Thomas Barrett,
Faculty Advisor - Mr. Harry Fanning,
Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance (AWAM)
The Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance (AWAM) exists to support, encourage, and advocate for women in the aviation maintenance industry. Additionally, we strive to educate others about the adversities which women typically face within this field.
Our activities include participation in Girls in Aviation Day and United Airlines Career Day at SIU, providing information about Aviation Technologies at these events. Our group also attends the annual Women in Aviation International (WAI) conference, where AWAM’s national Tech Social is held. These events provide members the opportunity to learn more about career options available and to network with professionals in the field.
Membership is open to any person interested in supporting our cause, regardless of gender or university major. Meetings are biweekly on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm in the Aviation Technologies hangar.
For more information, contact us!
President - Taylor Fabian,
Vice-President - Melissa Pfaff,
Faculty Advisor - Dr. Karen Johnson, karen.johnson@siu.eduAircraft Restoration Association (ARA)
The Aircraft Restoration Association (ARA) is a student organization committed to educating students about aircraft restoration, operation, and maintenance. The ARA works on several different types of aircraft, but our main focus is on SIU's Boeing 737-200 donated by United Airlines in 1999. Members will get the opportunity to get hands-on experience working on and operating several aspects of the aircraft, including exterior and interior cleaning, electronics, fuel, hydraulics, air conditioning, engines, and so much more, all for the long-term goal of getting the aircraft to taxi.
Some of our activities include aircraft wash days, hosting movie nights on board the 737, and having the 737 open and powered up for large tour groups, including on United Airlines Career Day and American Airlines Career Day.
Membership is open to any students or faculty interested in helping out with our restoration efforts, regardless of mechanical experience. You do not have to be an aviation major to join us! Our meetings are held every Monday at 4:30 pm in the Aviation Technologies Hangar in Room 135 (Fuel Systems Lab) at Southern Illinois Airport.
For more information, contact us!
President - Connor Quinn,
Vice-President - Brandon Powroznyk,
Chief Financial Officer - Logan Turner,
Chief Media Officer - Dykota Drije,
Secretary - Luke Trout,
Faculty Advisor - Mr. James Barker,
SIU Air Line Pilots Association, International Aviation Collegiate Education (SIU ALPA ACE) Club
The Southern Illinois University Air Line Pilots Association, International Aviation Collegiate Education (SIU ALPA ACE) Club is a large organization of students looking to uphold professionalism and a culture of safety among future leaders in aviation. Through its Education Committee, ALPA, the world’s largest pilot union, representing more than 77,000 pilots at 42 airlines in the U.S.A. and Canada, has built an alliance with Southern Illinois University to mentor aspiring aviators and prepare them to join the piloting ranks.
Events hosted in unison with our industry liaisons include professional presentations on a variety of topics like "Day in the Life of a Pilot," "Air Cargo Operations," " Winter Operations," resume critiques, speed interviews, guest speakers, and industry-related tours. In short, plenty of opportunities to network, get involved, gain insight into what it takes to work at an airline and start developing skills that employers seek out in student applicants.
Membership is open to all majors! Contact us or follow our Instagram @alpa_ace_siu to find out more about our next meeting or tour! ALPA ACE meets once a month on Tuesday at 6 pm in the TEC Multi-Purpose Room.
President - Hubert Dybinski,
Vice-President - Sarah Michalak,
Faculty Advisor - Professor Irene Miller,