Restricted Air Transport Pilot (R-ATP) Certificate
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024, 10:45 AM
The School of Aviation proudly offers graduates pursuing airline pilot careers the opportunity to do so with a reduced number of flight hours. Under our FAA Authorization, our graduates may realize a 250- or 500-hour reduction to earn the Restricted Airline Transport Pilot certificate. This certificate allows them to serve as a co-pilot until obtaining the required 1500 hours of aeronautical experience for a captain position.
How it Works
While you are a student at SIU, you will work with your academic advisor to ensure you take the courses approved in the FAA’s authorization. These will include courses in Aviation Flight, Aviation Management, and/or Aviation Technologies.
After graduating with your SIU Aviation Flight, Aviation Management, and/or Aviation Technologies degree, along with the required number of credit hours in approved coursework, you will seek out an entry level pilot position to gain the aeronautical experience required for the R-ATP certificate. Examples of these positions include serving as a flight instructor, corporate pilot, or ferry pilot.
Upon earning the required experience, contact the School of Aviation for a Certifying Statement, a document that verifies your graduation from SIU and completion of the approved coursework. Armed with this statement, you may then apply to take the FAA’s ATP knowledge and practical tests.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the R-ATP?
The Airline Transport Pilot Certificate with Restricted Privileges (R-ATP) is a pilot certificate required by the FAA for a pilot to act as a First Officer (Second-in-command) pilot at a Part 121 airline. Specific details can be found in Federal Aviation Regulations 61.159 and 61.160.
What is the benefit of the R-ATP Certifying Statement?
SIU graduates may qualify for a 1,000- or 1,250-flight hour R-ATP, reducing their time to a Part 121 carrier by 500 or 250 total flight hours.
Is SIU a R-ATP authorized Institution?
Yes, SIU is an FAA authorized institution that may issue an R-ATP Certifying Statement.
What is the R-ATP Certifying Statement?
An R-ATP Certifying Statement is the document used to prove someone graduated from an R-ATP authorized institution and qualifies for a reduced flight hours R-ATP Pilot Certificate under FAR 61.160. The Certifying Statement is a physical document presented to the examiner at the R-ATP checkride.
How do I qualify for the R-ATP Certifying Statement?
To qualify for a R-ATP Certifying Statement from SIU, students must:
- Complete their instrument and commercial pilot training at SIU (AF 203, 204, 206A, 206B, and 207A flight courses),
- Graduate with the SIU Aviation Management (AVM) or Aviation Technologies (AVT)* bachelor’s degree, and
- Successfully complete 60** college credit hours from the R-ATP approved courses list.
* A graduate completing only the Aviation Flight (AF) associate degree may qualify for the 1,250-flight hour R-ATP Certifying Statement
** An AVM or AVT graduate who earned less than 60, but at least 30, college credit hours from the R-ATP approved courses list may qualify for the 1,250-flight hour R-ATP Certifying Statement.
What SIU degrees qualify for the R-ATP?
B.S. in Aviation Management (AVM)
B.S. in Aviation Technologies (AVT)
A.A.S. in Aviation Flight (AF)Which courses are approved for the R-ATP?
Check out our list of approved courses to see which ones will help you qualify for the R-ATP.
What if I transferred to SIU from another R-ATP authorized institution?
If you completed coursework at another FAA R-ATP authorized institution, you may be able to receive some credit for prior coursework.
Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis.How do I request the R-ATP Certifying Statement from SIU?
Insert form here when available!
Send an email to with the following information:
- FAA Certificate Number
- SIU Dawg Tag Number
- Mailing address you would like the certificate mailed to
When should I request the R-ATP Certifying Statement from SIU?
You may apply as soon as you graduate with the AF, AVM, or AVT degree. You do not need to meet the hour requirements of the R-ATP to apply for your Certifying Statement.
You should apply within 3 years of graduation.
DON’T wait until a week before your airline interview or R-ATP checkride!What if I graduated more than 3 years ago?
While each request for a R-ATP Certifying Statement is reviewed on an individual basis, SIU generally only issues the Certifying Statement to students who have graduated in the previous 3 years.
How long will it take to receive my R-ATP Certifying Statement after applying?
Upon receiving a completed R-ATP application, a School of Aviation representative will audit the applicant’s training records to ensure FAR Part 141 compliance. If the applicant qualifies, a Certifying Statement will be created and signed by the Director of the School of Aviation and mailed to the applicant.
Under normal circumstances, this process should take about 10-14 business days, depending on the mail system.Do I have to complete all my flight training at SIU to qualify?
You must complete your Instrument (AF 206A/206B) and Commercial (AF 203/204/207A) pilot training at SIU.
Who can I contact if I still have questions about the R-ATP process at SIU?
Email Bryan Harrison at